Protein Deals!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Last night was yet another late night, I think I got to be around 4. It was worth it though playin cards with the guys. I had to make a run to grab some milk cause on lsd days I do like to eat a it before I run. That food really ended up paying off because I had an amazing run. I really zoned out and had endless amounts of power. I guess thats what a bunch of good sleep will do to you.

After the run Kelcie and I celebrated our 2 Years together. We went for some Vietnimese, It was different but good. We then capped the evening watching a movie. It was nice because we havent had time in a while to do that.

Long Run:
Duration: 1 hr 28 min
Distance: 12.0 mi
Avg. hr: 151
Avg. speed: 8.2 mi/h
Avg. pace: 7:20 / mi
Intensity: 4

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