As far as I am concerned the month of December can be broken down into three parts. Before paul got home the week Paul was home and after Paul left. Paul is my brother he plays hockey out in Seattle Washington in the WHL western hockey league. Man does he have some stories. With him being away I started to miss him and he also was getting home sick. Also the rules are strict out there so he just really wanted to come home and hit the sauce with his brother. We partied hard really hard. I managed to squeak in training everyday but man I am happy he is gone. We were so busy I didnt even have time to write cause the time I did have I was probabily drunk.
Sunday was d-day so i knew i had to workout early. I did my lsd in the morning and felt great to get my bro for the afternoon. I grabbed him from the air port we hugged and laughed the whole way home. The night started and ended at the kings head which was amazing. The band there is phenomonal and we stayed till close and didnt hit the sack till around 2.
Duration: 1 hr 16 min
Distance: 10.0 mi
Avg. hr: 152
Avg. speed: 7.9 mi/h
Avg. pace: 7:36 / mi
Intensity: 4
Monday was good I had a chance to sleep in and get stuff done around the house. Paul and I went to the dentist. My workout wasn't till later at night so I had all day to recover. I had a good swim there wasnt many people so I got my own lane and really got to hammer. After that was done at 9 I went straight home changed and went straight to the bar and man did we party that night. The bar was packed and we had a blast Paul and my friend wheeled some girls to come back to our parents house. The party started again there with gutiars cards, and more booze we didnt shut it down untill about 7am that night. Tuesday morning was rough to say the least.
Duration: 1 hr
Distance: 2800.0 m
Avg. speed: 0.8 m/s
Avg. pace: 2:09 / 100 m
Intensity: 4
Being such a rough night I knew I was gonna be taking it easy so I just focused on tring to get my run done it was a short tempo run and from there I went to go see kelcie she keeps me grounded when times are crazy.
Duration: 37 min 42 sec
Distance: 5.01 mi
Avg. hr: 149
Avg. speed: 8.0 mi/h
Avg. pace: 7:31 / mi
Intensity: 4
Tuesday really helped me to feel better for Wednesday. Since I had nothing else to do I dragged Paul to hot yoga. He has done it before but it was really funny to have him there. The instructor asks the class hows everyone doing "great!! WOo" then Paul hungover " hjshfkhsdkI feel aweul" haha it was funny. After that I was feeling like streach so I hit the pool and had an ok swim. Later that night we hit the bar and yes again got hammered and home by about 4 am.
Sport: Swim
Duration: 1 hr
Distance: 3000.0 m
Avg. speed: 0.8 m/s
Avg. pace: 2:00 / 100 m
Intensity: 6
Thursday was now Christmas Eve and weather Paul was there or not I dont think you can stop the chaos ha ha. I was able to sneek in a 40min ride with Paul downstairs. So although not the full hour I was happy to get something done. I took position as dd that night which was good cause it still ended up a late one.
Duration: 40 min
Intensity: 7
Friday was Christmas Day and having my family plus a girlfriend with separated parents I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. HOuse to house. But we made it through I did drink this night and we played some blindfolded musical chairs. Absolutly ridiculous. Then when we got home I had some friends over and we finished partying till 3 am.
Rest Day christmas
Paul finally left today. ha ha. I think things will go back to normal no that hes gone and christmas is done. It felt good to have the christmas stress gone. I Just hung out on the bike and watched a cycling movie American Flyers. It was about 2 brothers I guess very well suited seeing as how I just saw my bro. Anyways I leave to banff on monday so I was just busy packing and prepairing.
Long Cycle:
Avg. hr: 145
Intensity: 5
After reading your blog I'm glad I didn't come back to Winnipeg this year. You just reminded me how long and hard the partying goes on for. You did a great job training during the chao's. Especially your run times, very fast all things considered. Keep it up, you'll be kicking my ass in no time.