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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Time Crunch

Well school is now back in full swing and it sure is busy. As you can tell I havent written in there it 4 days. I was so tired on Thursday I didn't even train. Which was fine because this month I am taking one day per week off to help adjust to the new schedule.

Tuesdays are my free days so I used it to get a weight session in as well as an interval session on the trainer. It felt good I felt strong

I knew I shouldn't have done a chest workout on Tuesday because I never know what kind of a swim Wednesday will bring. It ended up being a big interval swim and I can not contral my competitive juices so I hammered through the swim as well. It was worth it some highlights were a 33s 50m. And I kept up with one of the fastest guys in the group.

When Thursday rolled around I was pretty beat up so I opted to take the day off. I ened up doing a lot of running around plus I had a lab at school and theathere in the evening. So I had no regrets on missing the day.

Yesterday was busy to but I managed to squeak in a running workout at lunch and I still played some basket ball after school for an event and ended up winning some sweet Sony headphones.

Now that the weekend is here I still dont feel as if I have had a break. But I guess thats life and I just need to keep pushing through. It is beautiful outside today and I cant wait to knock out a quick brick.

Duration: 1 hr
Avg. hr: 143
Intensity: 6

Weight session 45 min

Duration: 1 hr
Distance: 2700.0 m
Avg. hr: 0
Avg. speed: 0.8 m/s
Avg. pace: 2:13 / 100 m
Intensity: 9

Rest day

Duration: 30 min
Distance: 4.0 mi
Avg. hr: 0
Avg. speed: 8.0 mi/h
Avg. pace: 7:30 / mi
Intensity: 8

1 comment:

  1. 33 for a 50 is un F@#Ken believable. GREAT FNing job man. That must have felt incredible.
