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Friday, July 8, 2011

Definitely in America

Well yesterday was spent traveling, and it was relaxing. Thats right bouncing airport to airport was relaxing. I have done enough of these races now that they are no longer stressful. I really have nothing to stress about, I have done the work now its time to get paid.

Both the flights went well I watched my bike box like a hawk making sure it made the transfer. I was watching it when we got off the first flight and saw the baggage handlers take it off and they saw me watching. No one likes someone watching them work, but I just waved gave them a thumbs up and a big smile. Trying my hardest to show my appreciation for what they were doing. They all waved back with big smiles, and my bike was the first piece of luggage on the next plane. I really appreciated the service considering last time Delta left my bags for another flight.

Things just got better from there. When I went to pick up my rental car because I am young I get charged a premium for the car, and Kelcie was going to need to drive we were able to apply her fee for also being under age to getting an upgrade instead. So I went in, and instead of getting a standard american car and they ended up giving me a turbo Volvo! Haha, and I love cars and interstates so when we got on the road I hammered it and man that thing goes pretty good. 225hp awd turbo.

We got a little lost driving around and had to use the old school way of communication to find our hotel which ended up being pretty fun. Who needs gps. I mean yes it would have been handy but the old school way of actually talking to people worked just fine.

The rest of the night was fairly uneventful. I set up my bike and we had some dinner. But things got a little more interesting when we hit the local Walmart beside our hotel. I never understood "the people of walmart" because in Canada the people of Walmart are usually interesting but nothing out of the ordinary. In the states thats a whole different story. The giant store is basically empty, except for a few eccentric and magical locals meandering amongst the aisles of Wally World. Upon our entry we discover a larger black man with a sinister grin upon his face. Just aimlessly smirking at all patrons entering the doors. his sweat pants were a clear indicator of attitude towards the world. In isle 18 we discover a the special breed of human one only hears about in the historic tales of Walmart. A blading, well pierced man well in his thirties wanders about frantically searching for nothing with a young woman. His tight, dirty, tattered wife beater is'nt the current issue. What caught our attention so much that it sent Kelcie behind a rack of dresses to laugh in hysteria. This man was sporting tight booty shorts, they weren't even cut off jeans. They were camo spankies. Kelcie could have fit them. Finally, to top off our customer encounters of the wild, was a man who walked into Kelcie. He apologised, and continued to talk to him self. He just kept going and going. Finally turned around and said, "at least i haven't answered my own questions yet. Well, at least not today." And then like that continued off into the mysterious aisles of Walmart.

Check back to see how race check in goes.


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