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Monday, June 10, 2013

The Beauty of Commuting

I have to say it is a bit of a piss that my car is still not fully functioning. But everything happens for a reason. Not having a car has forced me to man up and put my aerobic motor to work. Commuting on my single speed for the last 2 months.

In the beginning it was a bit of a hassle, but eventually like anything else it becomes a habit and you work out all the kinks. You almost become attached to it. I began to really pride myself on riding to and from work everyday rain or shine. It also becomes a bonus hour of aerobic work everyday. Now hitting 3hrs a day of training was no problem. I was already down one hour by the time I got home. Not to mention I haven't spend a penny on fuel in 2 months.

There was also a much needed mental shift. I was getting on a bike for transportation, not speed. I turned my brain off and just enjoyed it. Sprinting from light to light or get around a car, just having fun with it.

I feel that after 2 months I developed a good system that was working for me. Here are a few tips I came up with that helped to reduce any stress or excuses that come with bicycle commuting.

  • The first couple rides are difficult because your not set up yet........... get over it
  • If your tired after work or its windy or raining....... enjoy it, eat some extra dinner.
  • Set up a commuter basics bag (back pack)
    • Flat kit(separate bag)
      • tube
      • lever
      • pump
      • Sealant for speedy repair if in a hurry
    • Lock and key
    • Throw over slush pants
    • Thermals
    • Light Rain shell 
    • Some change in case you need to hope on a bus
  • Leave lots of time enjoy the ride at least the first time you ride. Arrive early so you can change
  •  If you can leave work cloths at work do it. In fact leave a couple sets. So you dont have to worry about packing work clothes.
  •  Wear the same stuff everyday reduce your un needed stress      
That is pretty much it. After a week you should be pretty set up and your only concern is the actual ride itself. If your in the city you might even notice its the same time if not faster to ride a bike!!

Feel free to leave your comments and experiences.

Hope you are all fighting fit!


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