Thats it! I have pushed to hard for no reason. Since wednesday I have not felt well and I have pushed through a 2 hour cycle and a 1.5 hour swim because I thought the weekend would bring rest and rejouvination. It did not...
Today I ran the CIBC run for the cure. It was my girlfriends first 5k group run or race. Although this run isn't timed its still has a set course and there are 5000 people so its like a race. My girlfriend Kelcie used to be a smoker but she hasn't smoked now for over a mounth and she RAN this 5k which before was un thinkable for her. I am really proud of her for doing it. She did awesome and said she felt great after. She beat all the girls she was running with and when she took on this challange she didn't even know if she could make it the whole way.
My run on the other hand was aweful. I had plans to finish the run and then just continue on and run home to make for an easy 10-11 mile lsd. But 10 mins into the run I was having extremly wet coughs and I was coughing up flem. I have not had a run this unenjoyable in a long time. Thats when I decided Davis this is ridiculous it is just the start of the off season and you are pushing like you are 10 weeks into a peak plan. Give your head a shake.
So for the next couple of days I am gonna lay low sleep well and drink lots of tea and hopfully this will run its course and I can ease back into things again. The only excercise I will continue to focus on is swimming. The motto of "use it or lose it" applys STRONGLY to swimming.
CIBC 5k Run For The Cure
Thanks for being an awesome coach and mentor! It was not to long ago that i couldn't even imagine running being enjoyable. I thought it was something I would always hate. Thanks for all the support, encouragemt, advice, and for sprinting with me to the finish to cross a line I never thought I could cross! Thank you most of all for opening a door to a new passion. So bring on the 5 k and 10 k and hopefully if all goes well i will even conqure the half! All my love, you know i believe and have faith in all you do. Even when it feels there is nothing to have faith in. keep goin'.... never ... ever give up. And know weather i'm standing on one side of that finish line or the other... im cheering for you! love ya to the moon.
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