Protein Deals!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dancing on the line

Right now I definitely feel as though I am dancing on the line of over training. The last time I wrote was on Monday even then I moved my weight session to the Tuesday just because I didn't feel I had the juice on Monday and I had a massage. The massages helped but man did I feel flat for the next few days. The rest of the week was a total grind. I was really just looking forward to Friday I had a weight session and a easy run. I scraped the weight moved them to Monday and the easy run was strictly used for stride drills. I think I really worked to my benefit because this weekends long ride went 100x better then last weeks. Not only was the weather better but I was just in a better head space. UN-fortunately I took a nap after the ride and over slept and was not able to squeeze in the swim. But I am already at 15hrs this week with 3 hours left to do tomorrow which will but me at 18. A solid week non the less. Knowing that this last week coming up is my last tough week it is an extra boost of motivation to finish strong. But also to just be very aware of the signs my body is giving me. Because there is no use in blowing up now. I have put in the hard work I have been on the grind for 30 weeks. All of my mental focus is now going to shift away from trainig sessions and just run the entire trip through my head and smooth out any wrinkles in it. I dont really care if Clearwater is the best race time wise (although it would be nice) but I do want it to be the most enjoyable race metally, I really just want to enjoy the fruits of my labour.

Until next time

Train smart

Training logs Click Here!


  1. Your almost there. Love the video, I'm going to post it on my blog.


  2. Thanks B, ya I think I am gonna stay on the grind one more week. I dont want to peak early. Rather than start the taper a week early, I am going to dance the line and then go into the full 2 week taper.

  3. Careful on that line, stay balanced on it! :) You are 100% right, there is no use in blowing up now.
