It has been weeks since I have entered in here but that does not mean I have taken a break. In fact in the last few weeks I have set some new standerds for myself and seen some of the training pay off. Recently I have swam farther then I have ever gone before, doing swims that are 90 mins anywhere from 3400m-3800m. And I ran a PB 5k at the assinibone park duck pond where the last time I ran I ran a 23:xx and this time I ran a 20:02!!! In the race I did not have my watch on only the pace and the conditions were not ideal. So next 5k will me sub 20 for sure. Another personal accomplishment was running when the weather was absolutly terrible. I went 10miles in wind and rain at 9:00 pm to the disralli and back. Although I was not running at my usual pace this run did amazing things for my mental stamaia. Sticking to the Never Give Up attitude I was also using the phrase The Only Limits Are The Ones We Place On Ourselves. Anyway it will be an exciting next 2 weeks including a 10k race this sunday and the wpg police half marathon on may 3 and I will definetly put more effort into updateing this and keeping track. Out for now Stay Positive.
Easy Run:
4 Miles
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