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Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Biggest Challange Yet

Despite what I might think it has been an incredibaly productive summer. I started a new full time job, bought a house and began renovations, took two professional development courses, maintained a training regimined and was still able to perfrom in triathlon. On paper it was intimidateing, but do able. I was fuelled up I had the energy.

My days looked something like this

4:30AM wake up

5am coffee, fueling, breif streching

5:30  AM out the door to first training session

6-7 (7:30) Training

7:30- 8: Commute to work, Shower, change

8:30-4:30: Work

2 walks
1 streching session or stride work

5-9: Dinner, renos/school work, sleep

Rinse wash repeat for 6 months.

Sure enough I made it through. But my never quit attitude is now finally catching up. I am exhasusted to say the least. I started to feel it in July and began to rest. But did not fully commit. I also did not account for the other life stressors coming from school work etc. To summerize it is now the end of August, I sleep 9-10 hours a night dont train and I can barely get out of bed.

There is work to do.

Its time to rest and recover HARD. I have never been this fatiged before EVER. Now there are two choices. Continue in denial and again half recover and good deeper into the hole. Or commit fully this means no working out, clean eating and sleep. Lots of sleep. coming from a schedule where I didnt have a spare second this is going to be difficult but nessecary. I have a plan and now it is time to stick to it until I am well. Not for one month or two months, but until I am healthy and well. I will post more specifics about the plan as I progress. But for now it the problem has been identified and I a have made a commitment to recovery.

Until next time

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