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Friday, March 19, 2010

The first work week

Well its been intense but I have made it through the first week of work, school, and the new training program. The program right now seems to be building duration. It is really beating my body up every day has 2 workouts. I have been wearing my skins to help with recovery and man do these things work great!!! Other then that I felt I have been able to keep up and manage the workouts well. I noticed i have also developed quite the appatite. Which makes sense i am burning a substantial amount of more calories. Overall its good to be back on a strict schedule keeps me focused. It will really be nice when school is over and I am really able to put all my focus into the race season. Highlights of the week included my first outdoor ride of 2010 it was extremly windy 40 gusting 50 made it hell but it was a nice change form the trainer. And I had a really powerful swim workout today which was nice. Swimming has become one of the most enjoyable of the three disciplines I can really feel how my stroke has improved since the I started swimming regularly. I am looking forward to see how I am able to cope with the weekend schedule and the training. Here we go again!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry after a couple years on the program, it gets easier. haha.
