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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If Your A Triathalete You Hate Swimming.

Now by saying this I don't actually mean the time spent in the pool that can actually sometimes be enjoyable. But unlike cycling and running which can be done on your own time swimming is a dependent sport. It is dependent on a facility, lane availability, and lane times.

Firstly you need to move from your house and drive 10,20,30 minutes plus parking. Unless you are fortunate enough to have a 25m pool in your back yard. So right there with the commute your at an hour. When I would swim with a team for an hour at 8:00 I would leave at 7:20 and be home by 9:40 that's 2hrs 20 mins for a 1 hour swim.

Then when you get to the pool if your not running on someone schedule (ie with a club) you are at the mercy of lane availability. If your lucky you get someone that's at the same level as you. But not always the case I once had a lady that I lapped not once but twice per 50. I cant really get that mad because hey if you want to swim go swim its a free world.

The final thing is lane times that they are available. There always changing at least here anyways. So your at the mercy of the pool when it comes to scheduling some pools don't have lane swim long enough to complete a really long swim.

I feel as a triathlete swimming is by far the most time consuming (in terms of time spend actully doing workout) of all the three.

Cycling technique:Click Here!

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