Protein Deals!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Post Birthday

Well another year has past. For some reason this was the first year were the birthday really didn't mean much. 22 is not really a significant age like 16 or 18 its just another year. I spent the day doing normal things went for breakfast went for a run and went to work. On Saturday I worked a show for little kids it was called little bear. To little kids everything is amazing. They get an ice cream and they are thrilled!! Its amazing, I wonder where that goes when you age??. Lately I have even lost track of the days, not that it really matters what day it is anyways because either way you just gotta keep moving forward and stay positive. Otherwise you will get stuck in a rut.

I don't even know where the year has gone I cant believe its been a year already since I have started this. Man the time really starts to fly. But I guess life is like that.

Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Distance: 10.0 mi
Avg. speed: 8.0 mi/h
Avg. pace: 7:30 / mi
Intensity: 4

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