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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Drink, Run, Party

Nothing could prepare me for the weekend that just happened. I was wondering on Friday why I was so fidgety. I spent most of the day Friday setting up everything for Cheif Sosore 1st Annual Beer Run. Inspired by The House Of Payne Beer Run I knew there was goning to be a high level of organization involved to get everyone motivated to run 5k. As the youth of today its not all in for physical activity.

This year I have done my fair share of races and I know what it takes to run one sucessfully. You have to think of everything from begining to end. So I had the course laid out with a pylon and road flares which were given to me from a friend and I also had a sign from the City of Winnipeg which read proceed with catioun road race in progress. Another key component was voulenteer help Kelcie was a huge help in tracking the time and keeping stuff clean. Others who did not wanna run also helped the race by slowing traffic at turn around points. We even had a pace car (with no time of course because it was prediction run).

But before the race started there was a christmas party friday night which I had to attend It was all the way out in Headingly Manitoba in the frickin middle of no where. And let me tell you country kids are crazy to say the least. There are no rules out there. They get hammered and then just drive to the next guys house. Needless to say it was a long night I think I got to sleep at about 6:30. And the beer run was in 8 hours.

I woke up at around 10....hammered grabbed a coffee and finished all the organization for the run. If it wasnt done now too bad cause the race is goin on now. I was a little worried about my performance cause I did not plan on drinking that much before hand. But as you know " At the time it just seemed like such a good idea". So to calm my nerves I went for a 5k warm up run haha.

Then people began to show up. the race was originally schduled for 2 in the afternoon but did not get under way till around 4. Which is fine I had anticipated that. I had a pre race meeting descrided the course and the seirs of events. Then it was time to blow the gun!

So we lit off a bunch of firecrackers and we were off. There were about 30 participants and everyone was laughing. At the start there were a few people ahead of me one of my buddies I used to train for half marathons with was running and determied to beat me but I reeled him in within the first km. The running was the easy part it was harder to drink the beer with the elevated hr. By the end out it I let out 2 self induced projectile vomits. I think there is some video it was good for a laugh.

During the race it was good to see everyone laughing and slappin high fives. And when the race was finished there was a real group sense of accomplishment. People were saying "shit we should do this every friday". And people that didnt even wanna run ended up doing 5k. Then we tapped the keg and the night really got started.

Awards were handed out for 1st 2nd 3rd male and female we also slowest run and person who needed most assitance which happined to be my half marathon buddy who threw up multiple times. And could not finish his last beer, well he did but his total time for the run was 1 hour 20 minutes.

It was a ton of work but it never went unoticed everyone came up and said thanks to me, and what an amazing job I did and how much fun they were having. Unknowingly my friends all chipped in a bought me a huge cake which was also an amazing suprise.

We stayed at the house till around 10 socialing and drinking beer from the keg. Running on 3 hrs of a BKO sleep and 2 keg stands later we decided to hit the bar. On the way there I actually called my friend Uncle Brian Payne in Toronto and he called me back this morning to tell me i just left him a message of jibberish. I guess I get an E for effort. There is no need to go into detail there it just got sloppy and we ended up taking rednose home. I was gonna run today but I realized it would really just be an ego thing so I have opted out and taken the day to study for an upcoming exam. Since my trithlon season is not even close to started.

Thank You to everyone that participaed and I hope to see you all next year!!

Rest and Recovery From Iron Driking weekend


  1. Great post Davis!!!! I REALLY wished I was there. You pussy for throwing up. You forgot to mention in your post the guy who smoked 6 joints instead of drinking 6 beers. Now that guy I want to meet!!! THAT is impressive.

    Next year, you better give me some notice because I'm coming. The House of Payne is the world championships, like Kona, and I need to show up to all the qualifier events to make sure things are run to my high standards.

    Good job bro....

  2. Thanks Man I had to do a test year before I bring in the big dogs. So next year its calgary syracuse then beer run season.
