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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Elderly

The morning started with my favorite part of the day which is coffee. Coffee was followed by a quick dog walk. I have been asked to go back to toon town so I had to observe a seniors class for the class I am in. I dunno if I could ever work with seinors all day. They are fun but everything moves at the pace of a turtle. I got some god information but i am not looking forward to gettin old.

After that was done I went to work laying sod. I enjoy labour it makes you feel good at the end of the day.

When I got home a squeezed in a quick cycle to lockport and back it was good my legs felt a bit tight I am assuming its from moving all the sod. I tried to make it back before dark but its a good thing i strapped a light on cause I did come home in what was almost pitch black.


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